We are very happy for our project proposal "digital preservation of monuments" to have won the KAV Gymnasium in Celle.
The Kaiserin-Auguste-Viktoria-Gymnasium in Celle is a first candidate for our project for two reasons:
On the one hand, this school is culturally firmly rooted in the city of Celle by name and history and the topic of "monument preservation" quickly found interested ears.
On the other hand, the KAV Celle anchored a progressive digital agenda in its curriculum early on, which is supported by both the teaching staff and the management and is constantly being further developed.
The city of Celle itself is of course also a perfect candidate for our joint project:
It not only has the largest contiguous half-timbered ensemble in Europe.
A castle, centuries-old cemeteries, and the ornaments of all shapes and sizes that can be found everywhere in the city offer a lot of need for digital preservation of monuments.

The KickOff Meeting is over and has again brought up some new ideas.
On March 25, 2022 and March 28, 2022, the first two project days will take place with two 8th graders.
We're looking forward to it!